C-N-P v.24 for renewed database structure

First steps with C-N-P

For a deeper insight into the complex processes of breaking down fresh organic matter in soil, use the following
LINK on shiny
with a turnover demonstration for two different FOM pools

Here are some downloads for experimental (private) use. The use is only permitted with the consent of the author and is at your own risk. The author refuses all liability for any malfunctions that may occur and their possible consequences.

Prerequisite for using the C-N-P software is access to a PostgreSQL server - which can also run on the local system without an Internet connection.

... more information about Postgres can be found under this link

and here is some help with Postgres installation on windows

For mac users it is recommended to visit the postgresapp.com website for download.

If there are difficulties finding the required file libpq.dylib on a MAC, the following notice may help:
1. Open a terminal
2. search the data using: locate libpq.dylib | grep /lib
3. possibly it is necessary to execute the following command beforehand;
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.locate.plist